Monday - KT

When making sushi you have to slice your vegetables precisely to ensure that the sushi stays intact. If the cuts are too big you might have an issue making enough rolls to guarantee that the sushi will stay as a whole and not fall out. If the cuts are too small there won't be enough filling, which creates an uneven proportion. There would be too much seaweed and rice that would overpower any of the other add-ins. Chef Avril and Chef Jessica gave us a step by step lesson on how to properly cut your vegetables. Once we had cut all the vegetables or any other fillings (fish, onions, masago, etc) we then put plastic wrap around a makisu and laid a piece of seaweed on it. Once the rice we had been letting sit out was done we put water on our fingers and picked up the rice and placed it onto the seaweed. We then spreaded the rice all across the seaweed making sure we got every corner. Then we placed our fillings such as cucumber and avocado and rolled it into a cylinder. Once it had tightly formed it into a roll we then had to cut it but make sure we didn't smash or destroy the hard work. When cutting sushi you have to make sure that you only cut one way and never go back and forth for the cleanest cuts. Once we had cut all of our sushi we then plated it and decorated it to our personal preference, and then we ate it.


We started the day with Olivia's wonderful Foccacia with Fresh Rosemary from her back yard.

Stirling prepared a broccoli chicken pie but Mr. Wadzeck did not share!

Gio forgot all of our knife skills over the weekend!

Our finished California Rolls!

An Avocado and Cucumber roll for a non-fish eater.

Cutting the rolls was harder than it looked!

Talulah, Mackenzie, and Alice starting their rolls.



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