Monday - Talulah

To start off day one of the Art of Cooking M-Term we headed off to the main campus to begin our first meal. Before cooking, chef Avril, gave us a lesson on Knife skills to ensure we were all safe in the kitchen. After that we began preparing our ingredients for Bibimbap. This involved a lot of cutting of vegetables and making different sauces to accompany the dish. After all of our ingredients were prepared we moved to the stove and seared the veggies and cooked our marinated steak. It’s safe to say that we have a delicious start to this week of Art of Cooking and we are all looking forward to making more recipes!

Avril walked us through a lesson in knife skills and how to cut the different vegetables.

Max was in charge of making the sauce for her group.

Gloria is Stirfrying Peppers.

Stirling assembling vegies.

Gloria and her prepared Bibimbap.

Maria is very proud of her presentation!

Alice and Talulah compare servings.


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